Thursday, 9 October 2014

Dr. Adam Saucedo has Lived And Worked In The United States For All Of His Adult Life

Dr. Adam Saucedo is a native of Latin America, but he has lived and worked in the United States for all of his adult life. His want for a quality education brought him to Salem, Massachusetts, in order to attend Salem College. He graduated from the University of Rochester School of Medicine with his M.D. in 1993 and is the founder of the Center for Hearts. This is an organization that has served as a distribution and training center for a number of consumer products that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Dr. Adam Saucedo Attended School At Salem College

Dr. Adam Saucedo attended school at Salem College, in Salem, Massachusetts. He enrolled in the University of Rochester School of Medicine and would graduate with a medical degree in 1993. He later joined the U.S. Army and was proud to be able to serve his country by working in the emergency room while stationed in Germany. He worked on wounded soldiers returning from Europe, the Balkans, the Middle East, and North Africa. Dr. Adam Saucedo would later found the Center for Hearts, which he still runs.

Friday, 15 August 2014

What You Really Need To Know About Dr Adam Saucedo

Dr. Adam Saucedo has been working in the medical fields for years now. However, he was certainly not always a doctor, was he? He is a native of Latin America, having been born and raised there. While he is proud of his origins, he soon left Latin America in order to pursue an education that started in Salem, Massachusetts, at Salem College. It was at Salem College that Dr. Adam Saucedo earned his undergraduate degree. He enrolled in the University of Rochester School of Medicine after that, seeking his medical degree, which he would obtain in 1993. Dr. Adam Saucedo has worked very hard to be successful over the course of his career, but he also recognizes that this high quality education provided a foundation upon which his professional career was built. His education has never stopped in the two decades since he finished medical school—it is important for a medical doctor to continue to learn every day.

Dr. Adam Saucedo enrolled in the United States Armed Forces after obtaining his medical degree. He joined the U.S. Army and was stations in Germany, where he worked mainly in the emergency room. He worked on other members of the armed forces of the United States who had been injured or wounded during various on-going operations in The Balkans, the Middle East, North Africa, or Europe.

Today, Dr. Adam Saucedo is a medical doctor and the founder of the Center for Hearts. The Center for Hearts main responsibility is as a distribution and training center for several products approved for market by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Amongst these FDA-approved products are Bpro, A-Pulse CASPro, A-Pulse CASPal, and Pulse-8 Nutraceutical. Dr. Saucedo firmly believes that through Center for Hearts he can help people to lead healthier lives.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Dr. Adam Saucedo Is The Chief Medical Advisor And Founder Of The Center For Hearts

Dr. Adam Saucedo has spent his career trying to help others to live healthier lives. He is the Chief Medical Advisor and Founder of the Center for Hearts, which is a well respected distribution and training center for several FDA approved products. This includes products like Bpro, A-Pulse CASPal, A-Pulse CASPro, and Pulse-8 Nutraceutical. These are products that have a proven track record of helping to improve heart health in their users. Center for Hearts has one mission—that is to educate and transform individuals into leading healthier lives. Dr. Adam Saucedo's story does not start with the Center for Hearts, though.

Dr. Adam Saucedo was born and raised in Latin America and is proud of his heritage. He went to school in Salem, Massachusetts, studying as an undergraduate at Salem College. After completing his studies there, Dr. Adam Saucedo enrolled at the University of Rochester School of Medicine in order to pursue a Medical Degree, which he obtained in 1993.

Dr. Adam Saucedo served in the U.S. military, working for the Army in Germany. There, he served in the emergency room, working on other members of the U.S. armed forces who had returned wounded from operations in the Balkans, North Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.

Dr. Saucedo founded a multi-specialty practice and medical imaging center in 2001 that was based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Prior to that, his partnership negotiated the purchase of the landmark Doxey-Hatch Building, which would open its doors in early 2005. When it opened its doors, the eating disorder patient care facility became one of the largest in the world.